Ensuring the Safety and Security of Frozen Lung Cancer Tissue Collections through the Encapsulation of Dried DNA

Cancers 2018, 10, 195; doi:10.3390/cancers10060195
Washetine, K., M. Kara-Borni, S. Heeke, C. Bonnetaud, J.-M. Félix, L. Ribeyre, C. Bence, M. Ilié, O. Bordone, M. Pedro, P. Maitre, V. Tanga, E. Gormally, P. Mossuz, P. Lorimier, C. H. Marquette, J. Mouroux, C. Cohen, S. Lassalle, E. Long-Mira, B. Clément, G. Dagher, V. Hofman and P. Hofman
Collected specimens …Read More

Long-Term Room Temperature Storage of Dry Ribonucleic Acid for Use in RNA-seq Analysis

Biopreservation and Biobanking Vol. 15, No. 6
Li Qiyuan, Wang Xian, Liu Xiaopan, Liao Qiuyan, Sun Jianbo, He Xuheng, Yang Ting, Yin Jiefang, Jia Jia, Li Xue, Colotte Marthe, and Bonnet Jacques
RNA is an essential biological material for research in genomics and translational medicine. As such, its storage for biobanking is an important field of study. …Read More