DNAshell® technology is based on the confinement of purified and desiccated DNA molecules protected from alteration factors (water, oxygen, light, xenobiotics) under an inert atmosphere (argon, helium <1ppm oxygen and of water) inside airtight stainless steel minicapsules (about 0.7 mL) that can be placed in 96-well microplate-type racks in standard SBS (Standard of Biological Society) format.
- The DNAshell® minicapsule, consisting of a stainless steel case and a stainless steel cap, is hermetically sealed by laser welding. It contains a glass insert.
- The useful volume of the minicapsule is 200 μL
- The 2D Datamatrix code is engraved on the bottom of the capsule for easy, unique and automated identification using a 2D Datamatrix reader.
- The tightness of each capsule is controlled by a helium test based on mass spectrometry.
- DNAshell® minicapsules are stored in their microplates at room temperature avoiding temperature or humidity control devices.
- For DNA recovery, the stopper is perforated with a disencapsulator (see accessories) and the sample is rehydrated by simply adding water or a buffer solution.
To keep the DNA at room temperature, it is not enough to simply dehydrate, but it must be kept strictly protected from its alteration factors.
Performance of DNAshells®
Arrhenius straight line (DNA)
Data from Bonnet et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2010
Imagene has established an Arrhenius straight line to estimate the stability and therefore the shelf life of dry DNA at room temperature. This reference work has been published in the NAR and cited more than 70 times in the literature.
The conclusions are that DNA, protected from atmospheric water and oxygen, is extremely stable.
Deleterious effect of the atmosphere (1)
The 32-week data are from Colotte et al., Biopreservation and Biobanking 2011. The kinetic was then continued.
Imagene has confirmed the need for absolute protection against the atmosphere by comparing the stability of dry DNA with or without matrix in DNAshell® capsules and in plastic tubes.
Deleterious effect of the atmosphere (2)
From Colotte et al., Biopreservation and Biobanking (2011)
- When we do not denature the samples, we do not see degradation even if it is actually present.
- With or without matrix we have excellent DNA stability when it is protected from the atmosphere. Matrix alone does not provide the same stabilization of DNA, only better recovery.
Whatever the origin and method of extraction
Works presented at ISBER 2011 (Colotte et al.)
Different DNAs were extracted from several types of source biological materials, and by various extraction methods.
The DNAs were encapsulated and heated for 30 h at 76 ° C which corresponds to 100 years of storage at room temperature.
After rehydration the DNAs were denatured (to reveal single-strand breaks), no degradation was observed on gel and this, whatever the sample.
The DNAshell® process is therefore suitable for all types of DNA.
Evaluation by the BGI
From Liu et al., 2015, Biopreservation and Biobanking
DNAs extracted from cell lines were encapsulated and kept for 14 months at room temperature, or for up to 8 days at 60 ° C (corresponding to 15 years at room temperature). After rehydration, the quantity and purity were evaluated and found to be maintained and comparable to those of the frozen sample control.
Conservation of large fragments
From Clermont et al., 2013, Biopreservation and Biobanking
Human DNAs of different initial qualities were encapsulated and analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis., before and after storage for 18 months at room temperature,
The size of the DNA was retained, regardless of their initial state.
Stability of amplifiability – 2kb fragment
From Clermont et al., 2013, Biopreservation and Biobanking
Bacterial DNAs were encapsulated and then aged for 30 h at 76 ° C (which corresponds to 100 years storage at room temperature.
After rehydration, the samples were analyzed by amplification of a 2 kb fragment of the rRNA 16S gene, in parallel with a frozen control. All samples are amplifiable even after an equivalent of 100 years of storage.
Amplifiability – interlaboratory comparison
From Cayuela JM et al., Clinical Biochemistry 2015
DNA controls from lymphoid clonality cell lines were encapsulated for the GBMHM (10 μg per capsule) and distributed to 3 laboratories to compare the results of analyses.
All markers searched by PCR were detected.
Preservation of DNA traces
Work presented at the ESBB 2011 (Bonnet at al.)
A human DNA sample was encapsulated and aged to the equivalent of 100 years, then analyzed by STR (DNA fingerprints) by the Central Genetic Analysis Service of the Gendarmerie (SCAGGEND).
Some of the STR profiles are shown here. Despite a loss of signal compared to the control in solution, we note an excellent conservation of the quality of the profiles.
On the other hand, a sample was heated in the presence of atmospheric humidity (“moisture”). The sample is no longer analyzable, highlighting the deleterious effect of water on the quality of the profiles.
At last, with mixtures of two DNA samples , the profiles remain perfectly analyzable even after a simulated storage time of 100 years at room temperature.